
With healthcare costs skyrocketing and no apparent end in sight what can we as individuals do to correct this travesty? If we develop our own wealth will that really be of help? What steps can we take to create more of our own wealth? If we create more Indvidual wealth should we be using it to assist those less fortunate? How much wealth should we be attempting to create? Questions, questions, questions!


Most people have empty wallets at the end of the month. What can we do about it? “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” Jim Rohn. One of my early Mentors, Jim Milne of Portland, Oregon, had told me that it was my responsibility to earn and create as much money as possible so that I had more to give away. How did these two statements and the growing cost of medical care all fit together? I realized at an early age that one way they all fit together was for me to devise a way to create as much wealth as possible. This would allow me to care for my own growing family and have some extra to assist a few around me.


I recently discovered a way to answer those questions for myself and perhaps for others like you. I found a unique program that offers the training and the facility for creatively earning $100 per day, $300 per day or even several hundred per day for those willing to do a little work. If you follow my posts you may have realized that I have been absent for a few weeks. All so that I could build my own website and prove to myself that this system works! It does! So, now I am ready to share it with you and others.


I have owned several successful businesses over the years and I originally created this website to talk about health and wellness. Over the past two years I have become painfully aware that even though I have some very good products to make available to people for their immune systems, many were struggling to afford them! I therefor set out to find a way to help those with an entrepreneurial spirit create enough daily income to afford the health they wanted. I learned years ago that it takes work and concentration to create daily income. I also learned that if someone told me I could create daily income without any work and with no financial investment then I should run, run, run from them as fast as possible!


After spending many hours researching possibilities here is one that I have proved for myself. It took me some time to get it put together and now I run it on a couple of hours each day in the morning. Go here to check it out with no obligation!


What if I could provide you a proven blueprint that thousands have used, an easy to follow system of video trainings and a solid support group that you can be a part of? Would you be willing to give it a try? Yes, you will have to spend an entry fee. Yes, you will have to put in some initial work. If you are still interested in what I proved to myself then visit my website right now!

Yes, I do make a profit from materials sold on this site!


  1. Dear Phil,

    I completely agree—most of us could use a little extra cash at the end of the week! Your post really struck a chord with me, especially when you mentioned how important it is to create our own wealth to afford the things we need, including healthcare. With costs rising, it’s essential to explore all the avenues available to us.

    I’m intrigued by the program you’ve discovered for earning daily income. It sounds like a great way to build some side cash while also giving back to those in need. I appreciate your honesty about the work involved, and it’s encouraging to know that you’ve put it to the test yourself.

    I’m definitely going to check out your website and see how I can start creating some extra spend money. Your insights on self-education and entrepreneurial spirit are inspiring. Thanks for sharing your journey and helping others along the way!

    Looking forward to your next post!


  2. Hey there,

    This is a fascinating exploration of the relationship between wealth and health. The insights about how financial stress can impact physical and mental well-being are eye-opening. A couple of questions:

    What practical strategies can people use to mitigate the negative health effects of financial concerns?
    Do you have any recommendations for resources or programs that help holistically address the interconnectedness of wealth and health?


    1. Hey Marios, Thanks for your response.  I have been in the Wellness arena for over fifty years.  This article was written based on my own experiences as i have conducted workshops across the globe.  I made the decision to help others earn additional income as a second income stream.  Did you check out my new website that I am using for that purpose?

  3. What Jim Rohn says is so true! It’s because I self-teach myself in copywriting, affiliate marketing and digital marketing that I am slowly and surely going on the path of wealth. Whenever I teach or work in an office, that’s to pay the bills. But I’m working to leave a legacy and I intend to work for my dreams, not to fulfill someone else’s dreams. That’s why I’ve decided to launch all my businesses because I want to make a fortune with my computer!

    1. Great to read that you have your own business!  So many fear taking this step.  In my article I referred to my website at creatingdailyincome.  Did you check it out?  I believe in having more than one income stream. 

  4. This is a really intriguing article! I like how you talk about wealth and health and how they connect. With healthcare costs going up, it’s important to think about how we can earn more money and help others at the same time. What are some easy steps you recommend for someone who wants to start making money?

  5. Hi everyone, In this view the website, some times the website is not available and its can only take about half of what the contract of what they are writing about, whell it is good eone to be aware about it ok, this is this view, first to say in the article in website is seeing the photo interview and the name of the website is Supposed myself Health.something that I see see in is must view in life activities,the photo will make you be careful in life .Ido say that at a viewing point person who believes that manyof us have been os inpain in our life at the writer have put in the read How can we create our own wealth,Good question to way of making money or education rent realized to get our status around each of people who live inside,well do not put your egg in one basket,WA.

  6. I read your article with interest after reading our About Me page. I live in Guatemala on Lake Atitlan, and I strive to give a third of my income away every month because the level of poverty here is still eye-watering. Years ago, I realized that people could have a full wallet, but because they had a paucity mindset, they couldn’t keep hold of money.

    However, Guatemala changed my mind despite the fact thatI do not know one family that could be said to have enough. Yet the overall vibe is plenty. My question to you is this: do you think that is because the Guatemalans are still very connected to the land, the mountains, the air, the volcanoes, the valleys, the lakes, etc? They don’t seem to have a sense of greed, what are your thoughts on this, if you do not mind the question 

    1. Catherine, I love Lake Atitlan!  I have traveled the world, and that lake is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.  You pose an interesting question.  I have thought about this a great deal and here is one of my thoughts regarding those of us in  the USA.  As I was growing up I picked strawberries in the fields of the Willamette Valley.  By the sixth grade I had a paper route.  In HS I worked every Saturday on a neighbors farm.  Most of the children I see today do not work at those kinds of activities.  (Partially, because the laws now make it difficult.)  We have developed the attitude in the USA that everyone should strive to become a millionaire.  People are taught not to be satisfied with a “middle” income.  This is a very complex sociological challenge. In my experience the people of Guatemala had not developed that overall attitude.    

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