

So many are looking today for something. Often they are not sure what it is! Some are looking for better and improved health. Many are looking for new friends. Others are looking for a way to make a few additional dollars of income. For all of you let me share a short story. I know it is real because it is my own personal story.


I owned my own company in the Wellness industry. I owned a pharmaceutical laboratory making herbal products concentrating on the herb comfrey. I owned and operated a separate farming company producing livestock feeds and raw comfrey for my laboratory. I was married to a wonderful lady, Suzanne, with an incurable disease who had become a total invalid. As private business people we had a very decent income but I was working over 65 hours each week. My wife needed constant attention. In total we had about 85 employees in the lab and in our farming activities. Very frankly, I was tired! I wanted out. I was searching for anything that would provide the income I already had and give me more free time.


He offered me a product that he thought might help my wife. I made a similar product in my lab but I took it home and had her try it. I would late learn his product had a different raw source than mine. Within a few weeks her condition began to change. She returned to attending church with me. She began to go to the grocery store. People began to question her about what she had done. I ordered a few bottles of his product and began to sell it from my lab. Within months I was selling dozens of bottles regularly.


I was so impressed with my wife’s progress that I flew to Texas to talk with the medical doctors behind this new product. There are so many scams on the market I wanted to see for myself that this was real. That trip to Texas was in 1994. How that trip changed my life! Over the next two years I sold my lab and divested myself of my farming operations. For the last 29 years I have devoted myself to sharing these products with people across the globe. Yes, Suzanne passed on in 1997 from her incurable disease. Since then I have found a great lady with whom I have enjoyed building a world-wide business.


For the last twenty-nine years I have shared both these products and this business venture with thousands across the world. This has been the most exciting and fulfilling adventure of my life. If you would like to learn more leave me your information here.

I do most of my business on the internet. By leaving your information you will receive a no-obligation video with information that may help you also to end your search!

4 thoughts on “ARE YOU SEARCHING?

  1. This is an interesting personal story of how one man’s search for more free time and a way to help his wife led him to discover a new product and ultimately build a successful business. It’s inspiring to see how he was able to turn a difficult situation into something positive and fulfilling. I wonder what the product is and how effective it really is in improving health. Has anyone else tried this product? What are their experiences?

    1. Yes, Khan, millions have used these products!  I am sending you some information at your email address.


  2. This is a very interesting post.  I was sorry to learn of your wife’s medical condition, but happy to know that she is recovering.  Of course, like many of your readers will be, I would like to know about the product that helped your wife.  Neither my wife or myself have any serious, life-changing medical conditions. However, I would like to know about the product and about your wife’s condition.  I am wondering if it might treat other problems which may occur but have less of an impact on a person.  Please send information to collinsdrje at gmail. I would appreciate receiving information.  Thanks for the article.  I am happy your wife is recovering.

    1. Hi there!  Yes, this has been quite a ride!  I am sending you the information at your email address.


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