
I have always been leery of companies calling themselves “the world leader” in anything. I have learned that there is one company that has earned that title through hard work, determination and longevity. In this post I want to take a short look at that company and the role it is playing world-wide in the development of glycan technologies.


In 1994 I owned and operated a production pharmaceutical laboratory and a large herbal products company. My late wife (Suzanne) was ill with an incurable disease, and we were desperate. A man came into my lab office unannounced and introduced me to some new technology regarding the aloe vera plant. It was based around glycans and the isolation of a product from the aloe plant called acemannan. Little did I know that meeting would lead to my totally changing my life direction and that I would devote the next thirty years of my life to sharing with as many people as possible the story of Manapol. Manapol is the trademarked name Mannatech, Inc. uses for acemannan. Suzanne was not cured of her disease but the health benefits of Manapol gave her a quality of life that was amazing. As I witnessed the changes in Suzanne I became an Associate with Mannatech and began to share her story


In 1994, when I was introduced to Mannatech, there were only a handful of Associates. I decided that I needed to personally meet the Founder and the medical doctors involved in the formation of this company, so I flew to Dallas, Texas for the first meeting of Associates. About fifty of us met with Sam Caster and Skip Fioretti who shared the story of what was happening with a new Congressional Act called THE DIETARY SUPPLEMENT HEALTH AND EDUCATION ACT (DSHEA.) In that small meeting in Texas we were told that “you are going to change medical science forever.” The fifty of us in that room spread across the USA as we returned home.


When you have a story to share about health products that work your company explodes. That happened with Mannatech and soon we were holding meetings all across the USA and in Canada. Then we opened the market in the UK. In 1997 Suzanne had succumbed to her disease and I was sharing the story of the glycan technology on a daily basis. Through Mannatech I met and married a wonderful woman (Kathleen) who had her own amazing story to share of how Manapol and a new glycan product called Ambrotose had affected her. Kathleen and I were traveling constantly, sharing the story of these amazing glyconutritional products and building a strong profitable base of Customers.


Kathleen and I have now spent over a quarter century telling the story of Mannatech’s glyconutritionals in over twenty-five countries across the globe. We have seen these products change thousands of lives and become a true impact on hundreds of medical professionals. The fifty of us who met in Texas in 1994 have now touched millions of people across the world. Mannatech has received over 100 patents worldwide and has spent over $50,000,000 on research. We have seen Mannatech create and sponsor a foundation for nourishing hungry children called Mission Five Million (M5M.) The flags on the map below represent the places M5M provides special glycan nourishment for hungry children.


Mannatech has now, once again, introduced a new term to the nutritional world. That new term introduced by Landen Fredrick, Mannatech CEO is “multi-glycans.” AmbrotoseLIFE (the newest generation of Ambrotose) is a true multi-glycan. Glycans are the wave of the future. Glycans are pushing medical science forward. Mannatech is once again leading the way in that movement! To learn more about this effort check out my website at

For the last thirty years I have watched this fledgling company grow and mature. I can hardly wait to see what happens next on this road to bringing glyconutritionals to the world!

I do make a profit from sales made on this site.

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