
I was first introduced to spinach in my Grandmother’s Victory Garden. That was followed by Popeye, The Sailor at our local theater Saturday Matinee. If spinach was good enough for Popeye, it must be good for me!


Spinach is native to Central and Western Asia. It appears to have been used roughly 2,000 years ago in Persia and around 650 AD had reached as far as Nepal where it was called a “Persian vegetable.” Three 10th century books and a medical record by al-Razi evidence its use on a broader scale. It became very popular in the Mediterranean and sometime in the 12th century had reached Spain. Spinach (called “spinnedge” am “spynoches”) is recorded the first English cookbook, “The Forme of Cury” in 1390. The word “spinach” came about in the late 14th century. An interesting note about spinach is that in WWI, wine which was fortified with spinach juice, was used to treat French soldiers in attempts to curtail their bleeding from wounds.


China in 2020 produced 92% of the world’s 31 million tons of spinach. Spinach can be purchased throughout North America loose, in bunches, or fresh in bags. It is commonly found on freezer shelves in grocery stores. Refrigeration is often used to attempt to slow the deterioration of fresh spinach which will lose much of its folate and cartenoid content over about an eight day fresh storage period. For longer periods of storage spinach is canned, blanched or cooked and frozen.

Spinach can be used at home in a variety of ways. It makes a delicious salad and may be dressed with oil and vinegar or enhanced further with bits of bacon or other vegetable dressings. Spinach can be blanched and served warm or used in any number of souffles and dishes such as quiche.


Spinach is rich in nutritional value. Raw spinach is about 90% water, thus the usage above with French soldiers. It is very low in fat and provides 4% carbohydrates and 3% protein. Spinach is a wonderful source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, iron and folate. Spinach contains a wide variety of trace elements and is often served raw to get the most of these elements. Spinach does contain oxalates which can partially block absorption of calcium and iron. Cooking spinach in water which is changed more than once can help in its digestion and nutrient absorption.


Popeye, The Sailor Man, first appeared on January 17, 1929 as a cartoon character who gained tremendous strength from eating spinach. He sang a song which goes, “I’m strong to the finich (sic) ‘cuz I eat my spinach.” In a 1932 cartoon strip Popeye makes the statement, “Spinach is full of vitamin A” and goes on to say that this is why it makes people strong and healthy. Popeye is often credited with helping to make children eat their spinach! He certainly did me!

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  1. Interesting to read more about Spinach. Popepye did make me eat that too!

    I learnt in my research that spinach is also full of fibres which helps in weight reduction. it keeps the guts clean and thereby a great aid in improving digestive health. Am I right in my learning?

    Spinach is great when eaten raw besides being cooked. I eat a cooked form where it is ground into paste and enhanced with spices. I can bet on its taste.

    Thanks for sharing this informative piece of article. Looking forward to more.



  2. It was interesting to learn additional details about spinach. I had no choice but to comply with Popepye’s demands. My investigation revealed that spinach is an excellent source of fiber, which is known to assist in the management of one’s weight. Since it maintains a clean digestive tract, it is an excellent tool for promoting better digestive health. In addition to being delicious when cooked, spinach is also delicious when eaten raw. I consume a form that has been cooked, in which it has been crushed into paste and enriched with spices. I have no doubts about how it will taste. I’d want to express my gratitude to you for forwarding this really interesting post. I am looking forward to more details.

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