
What is a Wellness Lifestyle? Why has a Wellness Lifestyle become so expensive? Is a Wellness Lifestyle dependent upon pharmaceutical drugs? There are so many questions today around how to stay healthy in a society that lives from paycheck to paycheck. The observations I am making in this series of articles are based on fifty years of holding workshops worldwide teaching about Wellness, the changes in most diets, and maintaining a strong immune system. This article certainly will not reach deep into all of the facets of maintaining a healthy Wellness Lifestyle. But I will attempt to share enough to get you thinking!


Very few of us in North America grow our own fruits and vegetables today. As a boy, living on farms in the Willamette Valley in Oregon we always had a vegetable garden and we had two apple trees, a pear tree and a grape arbor. Even my Grandmother, living in Portland, had a rather large Victory Garden that produced a wonderful variety of vegetables. She grew peas, beans, carrots, tomatoes, corn and a host of other goodies. Both my Mother and my Grandmother made enough jams and jellies to last throughout the year. Today only one person I know here in a very metropolitan New Jersey grows a backyard garden. I seriously doubt that my Grandchildren have ever played in a garden like my Grandmother’s. I can still remember how delicious the tomatoes were that we were allowed to pick when they were ruby red and juicy! The tomatoes my wife buys today in the local supermarket are pale, no juice and very little flavor. The commercialization of our food supplies has caused more than one change in our lifestyle.


Usually when we talk about the changes in the way we produce our veggies and basic foods people tend to talk about the nutritional value of the foods. There is no question that the foods grown in my Grandmother’s Victory Garden, where my Grandfather spread chicken manure, were far more nutritious. But, here I want to talk about the cost of those fruits and vegetables. As we looked for more convenient ways to have our foods available farmers began to grow more and more of the foods we consumed. Supermarkets appeared to provide convenient ways for people to obtain those foods. My Grandmother would go out into her garden and pick a tomato. Her only expense was for the seed and some water as the plants grew. Today the farmer has to make a profit, the processor must pay his help, the truckers taking the crop to the store must make a wage and then there is the high expense of operating the supermarkets of today. That means that the tomato costs much more than it did from my Grandmother’s garden. This means that food is a much higher part of the family budget than it was just a few years ago.


Professional healthcare costs more here in the USA than any place else in the world. The reasons for this are broad and very complex. The insurance that medical doctors must carry today is extremely expensive and they have to pass that on to their patients. The equipment in a doctor’s office is another very high cost item. Dare we talk about the high cost of pharmaceutical drugs in the USA? The cost of pharmaceutical drugs in the US is considered to be the highest in the world. Healthcare, which is necessary for a positive Wellness Lifestyle, has grown to be truly exorbitant in the US. Those costs are not about to go down in the near future.


As I have traveled across the world, and most specifically, the US over the past decade I have heard time and again that people simply do not have enough income to pay for a positive Wellness Lifestyle. I have taken the last few months to search out and then implement, to prove for myself, a second income stream that most people can use to provide that additional income that all families need today. You can investigate it at If you choose to pursue this blueprint for a new income stream it will take some work to establish. Today I run it with two or three hours work in the morning. This system has an amazing training program which is based on short videos that fully explain how to operate it. You can check it out for no cost at my website

I do make a profit from purchases on this site.


  1. This post raises important points about the challenges of maintaining a wellness lifestyle in today’s society. The contrast between homegrown food and what we find in supermarkets really highlights the decline in both flavor and nutrition. It’s concerning how much healthcare and food costs have escalated, making wellness seem out of reach for many. The mention of needing a second income stream is particularly relevant for those trying to prioritize health while managing financial constraints. Overall, it’s a thought-provoking discussion that encourages us to rethink our approach to wellness in a modern context.

  2. Such an insightful article! It’s eye-opening to see how our dietary habits and wellness lifestyles have shifted over the years, particularly with the commercialization of food and skyrocketing healthcare costs. 

    I love how you highlight the importance of natural, homegrown foods and reflect on how our grandparents’ way of living was healthier and more affordable. The challenge of maintaining a wellness lifestyle today, especially when pharmaceutical costs and medical expenses are so high, is a reality many face. 

    Your suggestion of creating a second income stream is practical for those striving to afford a better wellness-focused life. Thanks for sharing your experience and practical advice!

  3. I’ve always been amazed to see that fruits and vegetables were very expensive in the US! With such a land, you had to be naturally blessed with cheap and healthy food! But I guess that big corporations won’t let you be…And yes, it’s imperative to have several streams of income to be more independent from the government. It’s essential! 

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