
Do you wake up at night worried about you and your families health? Does that often mean that you are also worried about whether you have enough of an “emergency fund” to care for your family? Your financial health is not just about having enough cash in your bank account. It also means being able to be comfortable and not having to worry about everyday events. Actually, the interplay between your physical health and your fnancial health can be very complex. This can touch so many parts of your life! Because your physical health is what this blog is all about, this article will give you some solid hints about how you can boost your financial health and have a better daily life!



Whether you believe it or not, there is a link between your finances and all the other aspects of your life. Credit card debt is at an all-time high and this debt weighs heavy on many people. Lack of sleep is also at record levels. Many social-experts are saying that this may be caused by the heavy debt load being carried by many. Lack of sleep leads to many other health issues. Financial concerns often lead to marital difficulties in a variety of ways. Sex is an important part of life and financial challenges often lead to serious challenges in our inter-personal relationships. People carrying a heavy debt burden often turn to over-eating, drug use, and develop depression. Depression can lead to many physical ailments. “Survival mode” is the status for many today. Research is showing that many earning $100,000 per year are living from paycheck to paycheck. The stress of how the rent will be paid can cause cardiovascular challenges and digestive problems to only name two.


Robert Kiyosaki says in his book, RICH DAD, POOR DAD, that financial illiteracy is one of America’s true challenges today. My own experience has shown me the same. As the owner of an international Direct Sales company I have delivered thousands of workshops over the years. The most questions I receive center around how to dispose of debt and how to increase a persons’ income. My Mother started me off in the third grade, when I began picking strawberries, on a savings program. It was so very simple, but taught me so much! She took a Whitman’s Sampler candy box and divided it into separate sections. Each week when I was paid for picking berries I put a certain amount in the square for Tithe, a few coins in the square for Savings, a little into Clothes and what I had left into the corner for my Candy, etc. Thank you, so much Mom! Later, as a Junior in HS I had saved enough to start my own business! Today in my office library I have an entire shelf of books, accumulated over the years, on finance and investing. Learning to invest, even small amounts, at an early age can build great wealth later in life. The American tax code is designed for small business. So many do not realize that the most heavily taxed US citizens are employees who work for a wage. Everyone should own a small business as a side-hustle to legally use the tax system for their benefit.


Most people do not have a simple plan. There are a thousand excuses for not having a good plan. The most common excuse is, “I don’t have enough for that.” That is pure baloney! My Mother taught me with that little box what just a few cents on a regular basis would do! She also taught me that I could always have a side-hustle at any age. You can create a simple plan by writing down on a pad what your needs are. Now design a way to meet those needs and have just a little extra. Save part of the extra, even if it is only five dollars. At meeting after meeting I have heard people tell me they don’t have any extra, then I see them later in the coffee shop buying a cup of coffee! One of the best things you can do for your physical health is have good financial health! If you would like to have a few additional tips and maybe a little help visit my link at


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  1. As a person who, until very recently, did not even have an income, I can say from experience that, yes, your financial health definitely effects your physical health.  And your mental, emotional and spiritual health, too.  I do have an income now and I am very careful with it, with plans for making it grow.

    Mine was an extreme case.  My persistent lack of money lead to PTSD, because of all the bad situations poverty attracts and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, because we are not designed to live with that much abuse, fear and stress.  It was a literal bombardment.  For YEARS.

    I’m better now.  Recovering from the psycho-physical manifestations of living with too much poverty. for far too long, and working on increasing my income.

    I very much appreciate this article.  There is nowhere near enough recognition of how debilitating poverty is on the non-financial aspects of life.  So, thank you for writing it!


    1. Wow, Anna!  If I were writing a book on needs for financial planning, I would use you as an example!  I am so pleased that things are looking up for you!  Because we are both active on WA I urge you to stay with a program to earn some extra here with a side-hustle.

  2. WOW! I know this hits home for many, many people. And recent inflation rates have only compounded the financial worries of most. I had never given much thought to how all this could impact my health, but now I can see the direct connection. The can see how the added stress of money worries can also cause mental problems like anxiety attacks and depression. And you make a good point about not having the extra to save but having enough to buy coffee. It reminds me of an old saying, money don’t fix money problems, alluding to the fact that the real issue at hand is the train of thought not the amount of money. Nice read and thanks for the insight!

    1. I appreciate your comments, Chris.  Money and finances are interesting.  We all think about them, very few really plan what to do about them!  

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